The Uttar Pradesh government declared four villages located near the Nepal border in the district as revenue villages. These four villages are Bhavanipur, Tedhia, Dhakia and Bichhia located in Mihinpurwa tehsil of the district. All these villages are Vantangiya villages. The Vantangiya' community comprises people brought from Myanmar during the colonial rule to plant trees. A revenue village is a small administrative region with defined borders. One revenue village may contain many hamlets.
Pankaj's initiative to protect tribal rights in Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura, and Mizoram is aligned with which schedule of the Indian Constitution?
Which Five Year Plan in India is often referred to as the Rao-Manmohan Singh Model of economic liberalization?
Which article of the Indian Constitution ensures the "Freedom of Conscience and Free Profession, Practice, and Propagation of Religion"?
Which Article of the Indian Constitution specifies the duties and powers of the Comptroller and Auditor-General of India?
In reference to Special Officer for Linguistic Minorities, consider the following statements:
1. Originally, the Constitution of India did not pr...
Which article can not be suspended even during the Emergency ?
The Supreme Court of India comprises the Chief Justice and how many other Judges?
The Constitution (Seventy-Fourth Amendment) Act, 1992, introduced Part IXA in the Constitution. This part deals with _______.
The Indian Councils Act, also known as the Morley-Minto Reforms, was enacted in which year by the British Parliament?
How many members of the Rajya Sabha are nominated by the President of India?