On April 9, 2013, the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh declared Mallakhamba the state sport.
The current age ratio of Akash to karan is 7:9, and the current age ratio of karan to Chetna is 3:5. If the average of their present ages is 62 years, d...
Shruti is currently 20% younger than Suhana. In four years, the age difference between them will change so that Suhana’s age will be to Shruti’s age...
18 years ago the average age of a family of four members was 45 years. Two children were born in that span of 18 years. The present average age of the f...
The current age of 'Aman' is 87.5% greater than 'Bittu's' age. The ratio of Aman's age 3 years hence from now to Bittu's age 6 years hence from now is 8...
Rishav's current age is 25% more than Sourav's current age. In 8 years, the ratio of their ages will be 5:6. What will be Rishav's age 10 years from now?
When 11 years is subtracted from the present age of A and the obtained result is divided by 3, then the present age of his nephew is obtained. If the pr...
The average age of 66(2/3)% of the number of children in a group is 13 years. The average age of all the children in the group is 14.5 years. What is t...
Six years ago, the ratio of ages of Alok and Ravi was 7:9, respectively. Eight years hence, the ratio of ages of Rohan and Ravi will be 5:6, respectivel...
There are 4 children in a family. The average age of the children is 9 years. If the present age of their mother and father is added, the average age of...
The ratio of age of A and his son is 10:3. If the difference of their ages 8 year ago is 28, then find the sum of ages of A and his son 12 year hence.