The three-day 9th edition of the North East Festival held in Guwahati ended on a high note. The festival was organised in the format of a carnival with live music and dance performances, engaging the visitors throughout the day in the open area while serious discussions on business, economic, socio-political issues of the region engrossed the intellectuals in the conference halls. The festival aimed at integrated marketing of the entire North-East to attract tourist and investments.
Treatment of disease, caused by brucellosis of goat which results in abortion of embryo, infertility of bucks is prevented by-
Spices Board was constituted on _______ under the Spices Board Act 1986 (No. 10 of 1986)
DGFT has published a list of prohibited items for import in India.
1. MPEDA is statutory authority under water resources.
2. I...
According to Mass Flow Hypothesis the sugar is moved in the form of ____into the companion cells and then into the living phloem sieve tube cells by...
What is the name of the improved variety of the national flower Lotus with 108 petals, launched by CSIR-National Botanical Research Institute?
Which is not a high salt tolerant crop?
Which among the following is a method of identifying leader?
Water is oxidized to oxygen by
Which of the following is responsible for pungency in mustard oil?
White eye deficiency is found in which crop?