Prime Minister Narendra Modi presented Rashtriya Bal Puraskar 2022 to the winners and presented digital certificates to them in a virtual event. A total of 29 children have been conferred the Pradhan Mantri Rashtriya Bal Puraskar this year for their achievements in innovation (7), social service (4), scholastic (1), sports (8), art and culture (6) and bravery (3). There are 15 boys and 14 girls among the awardees belonging to 21 states and union territories.
Who has been appointed as the Chief Election Commissioner of the Election Commission of India (ECI) with effect from 15 May 2022?
A Glacial Lake Outburst Flood (GLOF) occurred in Sikkim, leading to the breach of a glacial lake. What is the name of the glacial lake that caused this ...
Which of the following programs is associated with India’s goals concerning its marine resources and the Blue Economy?
Which Five-Year Plan aimed at accelerating food grain production, increasing employment opportunities and raising productivity with focus on 'food, work...
Cricketer Zaheer Khan was awarded the ______ in 2020.
In which of the following years was the Fit India Movement launched by Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, GoI?
The Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) has released more clarified norms for the FDI’s in which sector of India?
In which financial year India signed the Extended Fund Facility Agreement with the IMF?
Minimum support price was applied on the recommendation of _____.
If Q means ‘add to’, J means ‘multiply by’, T means ‘subtract from’, and K means ‘divide by’, then 30 K 2 Q 3 J 6 T 5 =?