India has released a roadmap for becoming a $300-billion electronics manufacturing centre. The Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY), in association with India Cellular and Electronics Association (ICEA), released its vision document , ‘USD 300 bn Sustainable Electronics Manufacturing & Exports by 2026.’ This report provides a year-wise break-up and production projections for the various products that will lead India's transformation into a USD 300 billion electronics manufacturing powerhouse, from the current USD 75 billion.
In case goods disposed off by way of free sample:
_________ is NOT a part of Monte Carlo Simulation.
With respect to Marginal Costing, which of the following statement is incorrect?
The observation of people at work that would reveal the one best way to do a task is known as
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With respect to AS 5 (Net profit or loss for the period, prior period items and changes in accounting policies), which of the following statement is inc...
A type of market where debt and stocks are traded and maturity period is more than a year is known as
With reference to the service sector in India, which of the following statements is/are incorrect?
     I.       The share of Se...
Which financial statement reports a company’s revenues and expenses over a specific period of time?
What type of banking transaction allows customers to invest in a diverse portfolio of stocks, bonds, and other securities?