Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated a 216-ft statue of Ramanujacharya in Hyderabad and highlighted the 11th century saint’s message of equality of all. The ‘Statue of Equality’ commemorates Ramanujacharya who promoted the idea of equality in all aspects of living, including faith, caste and creed. While the statue was conceptualized by Sri Chinna Jeeyar Swami of Sri Ramanujacharya Ashram, it is made up of 'panchaloha', a combination of five metals including gold, silver, copper, bronze and zinc and is one of the tallest metallic statues in sitting positions in the world.
(a) It was amazing to see ,how Alisha could _________ her composure.
(b) It will cost a hefty amount to __________ as good an employee as him.
Although the meeting was uncomfortable, we managed to _______ by sharing a funny story.
Ankle sprains usually involve the ligaments, muscles, tendons or bones in the area. ____________. The more you sprain your ankle, the greater the chanc...
While hiking the mountains of Nepal, a British Hiker irked a tea seller by bargaining for what she thought was steeply priced tea. At 150 Nepalese Rupee...
Ramesh needs to go into a deep ___________ in order to chalk out a fruitful plan for the future.
   (A) discussion            ...
Select the most appropriate option to fill in the blankÂ
Today is a ………. For my mother as her anniversary falls today.
...Given below sentence with one blank. Below sentence are given four words among which one word might fill the blank.Â
The ancient castle stood ...
The Foreign Ministers will put their _____ together to prepare a draft _________ to be adopted at the summitÂ
Each bite is a burst of flavors _____________ enjoy your snack.
Our education system needs a better __________ system for the students.
    (A) estimation               (B) opinion  Â...