In the 20th Dhaka International Film Festival in Dhaka, Indian movie Koozhangal won the Best Film Award in the Asian Film Competition category. The 9-day long international festival featured over 225 films drawn from 70 countries around the globe. Indian actor Jayasurya won the best actor award for the Ranjith Sankar -directed film ‘Sunny’.
Select the most appropriate direct form of the given sentence.
The customer asked the shopkeeper how much she had to pay for the little glass table.
My brother said to me, "I was upset, but now I am fine."
Divya said, “Moon is smaller than the Earth”.
Select the option that expresses the given sentence in direct speech.
She told the villagers that she would not rest till she had solved their wa...
The officer ordered the fellow to be arrested.
I said to my wife, "These showpieces look nice."
Select the most appropriate direct form of the given sentence.
He regretted the mistake he had made in his calculations.
Choose the option that is the direct form of the sentence.
The teacher asked the students if they had understood her question.
Select the correct passive form of the given sentence.
Why did the editor give such a rude comment?
He says,"The sun rises in the east."