Legendary singer Lata Mangeshkar passed away at the age of 92. The versatile singer, christened the Nightingale of India, had lent her voice to thousands of songs in 36 languages in a career spanning almost eight decades. Her father Pandit Deenanath Mangeshkar was a Marathi musician and a theatre actor. Mangeshkar was conferred with three National Awards, and was awarded the Dadasaheb Phalke Award in 1989. In 2001 , she was awarded the Bharat Ratna for her contribution to the arts, thereby becoming the second vocalist to receive this honour apart from late Carnatic music giant M S Subbulakshmi. She was also honoured with the Padma Vibhushan and Padma Bhushan.
An agreement that is sold over an exchange to buy/sell a financial instrument at a fixed future date is know :
Dividend is always announced by a company on which value of a share ?
HDFC Bank launched GIGA, a financial product designed for which group of individuals?
1. Given the following, what is the amount of Capital?
Assets: Premises 20,000; Inventory 8,500; Cash 100.
Liabilities: Trade Pa...
As per SEBI regulations, Alternate investment Funds (AIF) have been allowed to invest in ______
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The Reserve Bank of India - Digital Payments Index (RBI-DPI) comprises five broad parameters. Which of the following is NOT one of these parameters?
What is the minimum asset value required for a real estate project to be eligible for REIT listing?
As per Companies Act, 2013, in case of public companies, what should be the time gap between two consecutive meetings of the Board?
A capital budgeting technique which does not require the computation of cost of capital for decision making purposes is: