Google has announced that its Google Play Pass is now available in India. Google Play Pass is basically a subscription service that lets consumers use apps and games without having to watch ads, pay for in-app purchases or make upfront payments. The pass is already available in 90 countries, and now, it will begin to be rolled out across Android devices in India.
In how many different ways can the letters of word ‘PUMPKIN’ be arranged?
Among a set of 6 black balls and 3 white balls, how many selections of 5 balls can be made such that at least 3 of them are black balls?
How many different words can be made using all the letters of the word METROLOGY?
Geography books are always together.
In a group of 5 boys and 4 girls, 5 students have to be selected. In how many ways it can be done so that only 2 boys are included.
7 children are to be selected from a group of 8 boys and 6 girls. In how many ways will the children with at most 3 girls and at least 4 boys be selected?
There are 10 boys and 15 girls in the commerce class. Three students are selected at random. Find the probability that 2 girls and 2 boys are selected.
From 6 officers and 8 Jawans, in how many ways can 5 be chosen to include exactly 3 officers?
There are 20 Bikes in the No-Parking zone. On a Particular day, A policeman planned to fine the four bikes of the No-Parking Zone. In how many ways can ...
Anuj has eight friends whom he wants to invite for dinner. In how many ways can he invite at least four friends?