SEBI recently extended the deadline to May 1, 2022 for implementation of swing pricing mechanism, for mutual fund schemes, aimed at discouraging large investors from sudden redemptions. The new framework, aimed at ensuring fairness in treatment of entering, exiting and existing investors in mutual fund schemes, particularly during market dislocation, was to be applicable from March 1. Based on the request received from Amfi, it has been decided to extend the implementation date of the provisions of swing pricing mechanism to May 1, 2022.
Person who finds it difficult to go to sleep
The team made a valiant effort to win the match despite their injuries.
Choose the incorrectly spelt word.
The aspirations (A) of the Dravidian model of development (B) and other regional-specific aspirations should synchronised (C) with the holistic (...
Her performance in the play was a real feather in her cap.
The weather was mild and pleasant.
Select the most appropriate synonym of the given word.
In the questions given below four words are given in which four of them have a similar meaning and one word is the antonym/opposite for/to the other wo...
A high area of rock with a steep side