Haryana state announced the 'Sushma Swaraj Award' for women for their significant contribution or achievements in different walks of life in national and international spheres The Haryana government presented Rs 1.77-lakh-crore Budget for the financial year 2022-23 against the Rs 1.53-lakh-crore Budget in 2021-22. While presenting the Budget in the state's Assembly, Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar announced the 'Sushma Swaraj Award' for women for their significant contribution or achievements in different walks of life in national and international spheres. The Sushma Swaraj Award will carry a commendation with an award money of Rs 5 lakh.
In which of the following years was the National Commission for Backward Classes Act passed?
Which of the following towns was NOT designated as a Town of Export Excellence ( TEE ) in the FTP 2023?
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Which of the following statements is/are correct about friction?
A. Friction can be entirely eliminated on any surface.
B. Rolling reduces...
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