RBI recently launched a booklet named “BE(A)WARE” which features common modus operandi used by fraudsters and precautions to be taken while carrying out various financial transactions. It aims to enhance public awareness about various types of financial frauds perpetrated on gullible customers while carrying out digital payments and other financial transactions. It mentions safeguards against commonly used fraudulent techniques like SIM swaps, vishing/phishing links, lottery, fake loan websites and digital apps etc.
O is in with direction with respect to G and what is the distance between O and G is?
W is in which direction with respect to Y?
Aman starts from his house and walks 4 km towards north. Then he turns right and walks 2 km and then turns right and walks 6 km, then turns right and wa...
In which direction and at what distance is point M with respect to point O?
Ankita walks 15m towards west, then she walks 4m towards north. Again she takes a turn and walks 3m towards the east. Finally she walked 9m towards sout...
If point X is 13m north of point N, then what is the distance between point K and point X?
Two police buses start from same police base, 1st bus travels 11 km south, then turn to left and travel 19 km. 2nd bus travels 11 km west, then turns to...
What is the distance between N and J?
Ravi drove his car 5 km south from his house, then turned left and drove 4 km. Again, he turned left and drove 7 km, and then turned left again and drov...
Sonali drove her son to his school towards South, which is 5 km away from her house. From school, she turned westward towards the market, which is 8 km ...