The latest report of the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) on Trends in International Arms Transfer, 2021, released, reveals that India and Saudi Arabia had emerged as the largest arms importers of arms between 2017-21, each accounting for 11% of all global arms sales. The report places India at the top of the list. Egypt, Australia and China were the next three largest importers with respective shares of 5.7%, 5.4% and 4.8%. Russia at 46% and France at 27% retained their respective positions as the two largest exporters to India. USA is the third largest exporter to India during with a percentage share of 12% in 2017-21. India is 23rd largest exporter in 2017-21, with a share of just 0.2% of the global exports. Largest Arms Exporter to the World: With 32%, USA is the largest arms exporter to the world followed by Russia (19%), France (11%), China (4.6%) and Germany (4.5%).
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