The Karnataka government has announced Vinaya Samarasya Yojana, an awareness programme meant to eradicate untouchability in Gram Panchayats across the state. Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai will launch Vinaya Samarasya Yojana on April 14 on the occasion of Ambedkar Jayanti. The scheme was included in the recently announced Karnataka Budget for 2022-23 with an objective to eradicate untouchability in the state.
Through how many states of India, does the Tropic of Cancer pass ?
An Atoll is __________.
Within the arctic circle the day and night are of 6 months each becauseÂ
Match List I with List II
Choose the correct answer f...
Sum of the two numbers is 6 times their difference. Then the numbers are in the ratio.
Consider the following statements :
1.     Punch-marked coins were found only over the Northern regions of the subcontinent.
2.  Â...
A rectangular paper of width 8cm and length 22cm rolled along it width and a cylinder is formed.
On the above Intimation, Solve the question give...
A judge of the High Court after retirement can practice only in:
If a person is chosen as a member, both of the Parliament and of a State Legislature, his membership of either the Parliament or the Legislature will ce...
Which one of the following bills must be passed by each house of the India parliament separately by special majority?