The implementation of the Ken- Betwa Link Project at an estimated cost of Rs 44,605 crore will be taken up. This is aimed at providing irrigation benefits to 9.0 lakh hectare of land, drinking water supply to 62 lakh people, 103 MW of hydro [power], 27 MW of solar power. Allocations of Rs 4,300 crore in the RE 2021-22 and Rs 1,400 crore in 2022-23 have been made for this project,
In May 2023, the Supreme Court of India granted couples the right to get divorce on the grounds of 'irretrievable breakdown of marriage' under _________...
As of 2023, how many Small Finance Banks are there in India that provide lending facilities to SMEs and MSMEs, small industries, small businesses, unor...
By lifting how much weight did Ajay Singh win the men’s 81-kg category to clinch India’s third gold of the Commonwealth Weightlifting Championship 2...
The subject of the Study of Macro Economics is based on which principle?
Which of the following cell organelles is INCORRECTLY matched?
What is the currency of Bangladesh?
As per Forest Report 2019, the correct descending order of districts having largest forest area in Rajasthan is -
Who among the following is the first Indian to get an Oscar Award?
In which year was the Treaty of Salbai signed?
Recently the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development UNCTAD has released the Global Trade Update 2024, when was UNCTAD established?