In this gripping novel, award-winning historical novelist Devika Rangachari brings to vivid life the interior life of this nineteenth-century queen, thrust into a position she does not desire but must assume, and of her son, who is cowed by the challenges he has to face but determined to live up to his mother's courage.
A mortgagee is entitled to appoint a receiver as per S._____ of the Transfer of Property Act?
The court may frame the issues from the materials:
Which of the following is/ are correct statements/s?
I. De facto and De jure are two modes of recognition.
II. De facto...
Under the Companies Act Appellate Tribunal means the__________________
As per section 9 of the Motor Vehicles Act where the applicant does not pass the test even after ___________appearances, he shall not be qualified to re...
Which of the following deductions under Section 7 of Payment of Wages Act is not authorized?
When is an arrested person entitled to meet an advocate of his choice?
Which of the following shall be an Appellate Tribunal under the Competition Act, 2002?
The Insurance Advisory Committee shall consist of_______________________
What is meant by Bailee’s particular lien?