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Indian space-tech startup Pixxel has launched its first satellite, part of its eventual 36-satellite planned constellation, aboard a SpaceX Falcon 9 rideshare mission. The satellite was incidentally the second that Pixxel built, and is a part of the first three technology demonstration satellites in its constellation. Called ‘Shakuntala’, the satellite will help Pixxel begin its hyperspectral satellite imagery and satellite-based data analytics services to pilot customers. Eos-6 will be the primary payload aboard Isro’s Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV), with Pixxel’s Anand satellite being one of the mission’s two secondary payloads. Hyperspectral imaging and remote sensing refers to the capturing and processing of a significantly wider range of wavelengths, allowing satellite imagery to process greater amounts of terrestrial data. After its launch, the satellite will take about an hour to be deployed in a low-Earth orbit. The orbit is about 520km above Earth. After the two launches in 2022, Pixxel will look to complete six launches in the first quarter of 2023. This will be followed up by 12 further launches by the end of 2023, which should bring up the company’s entire constellation up to full performance capability.
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