Bharti Airtel has partnered with Apollo Hospitals and Cisco to create a 5G connected ambulance that transforms access to healthcare and saves lives in emergency situations.
Sex-influenced traits are autosomal qualities that are impacted by sex. An example of sex influenced traits is
Jaya, a high yielding variety developed in India which outyield both its parent was a cross between
Which technology is used to amplify the DNA molecule?
When one single gene starts affecting multiple traits of living organisms, this phenomenon is known as…………………..
...The term used in genetics in which an offspring to resemble its parent is known as
Which of the following micro organism is used in genetic engineering?
Which of the following forms of nitrogen is most prone to leaching?
Mendel chose ………….. pairs of contrasting characters for his study. In all the above crosses he obtained a definite phenotypic ratio of ………...
Which one of the following is not the law as per genetics?
A cross between an inbred line and an open pollinated variety also known as