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AVSAR is Airport as Venue for Skilled Artisans of the region launched on 8th April by Airport Authority India (AAI) under the ministry of Civil Aviation.
It is a startup for the Self Help Groups (SHG) to sell and showcase their self made products at the airport space area provided to them for a 15 day turn to turn basis.
Given below are a few sentences with one blank in each. Below each sentence are given four words among which one word might fill the blank. If none o...
In the following questions, a sentence is given with two blanks. Identify the correct pair of words that fit in the sentence to make it grammatically a...
They’re planning a huge vacation that’s going to _______.
Which conjunction can be used for this sentence?
You can stay out with friends as much as you want ___________ your mother agrees to it.
The unruly behaviour of the parliamentarians____________the speaker.
Select the most appropriate option to fill in the blank.
We saw some children ______ with one another as we were walking around.
Given below is a sentence with one blank, following which are given four options to choose, to fill the blank. Choose the correct option that can fill ...
If an association is _____ of supporting its members then many government programs could be _____ through these associations.
The court ________ cognisance of the criminal's words.
The enactment of the Act was a legislative …... However, its implementation has been …………..