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Scientists have grown plants in the soil collected from the Moon. The experiment was jointly undertaken by NASA and researchers from the University of Florida. Scientists used lunar soil samples collected by Apollo 11, 12, and 17 missions to grow Arabidopsis, a relative of mustard greens.
According to the Forest Report 2021, Pauri Garhwal has the highest forest cover among districts in Uttarakhand, with _______district following closely i...
Tobacco was introduced to India during the reign of _____by the _____
Choose the incorrect option
The functional group which is found in amino acid is-
Under agroforestry system, ____________ tree shows allelopathic effect on cultivated crops.
____ month is observed as Rashtriya Poshan Maah every year in India.
What percentage of fat does sorghum grain contain?
Protein content in Soybean is:
Black heart of potato is a -
The minimum area to be delineated for regional planning is _________ ha.