The Delhi government launched the ‘Delhi Film Policy 2022’ aiming to make Delhi a global destination for film production and promote tourism. The policy “will create massive employment and economic development opportunities in Delhi along with attracting tourists to the Capital.” The policy includes setting up a ₹30-crore fund to support producers, subsidies up to ₹3 crore for filmmakers, providing a ‘Film Card’ to avail of discounts on hospitality services and hosting an international film festival every year, among other features. The policy has been prepared after studying film promotion and tourism policies at the global level. It will help create jobs, boost the economy of the Capital and instil a sense of pride among the people. The policy provides a “single-window e-film clearance” that will provide filmmakers all clearances for film shooting from up to 25 agencies, depending on the locations, in only 15 days.
Name the Indian personality who has been bestowed with the prestigious Global Pride of Sindhi Award 2024 for Outstanding Social Work.
Consider the following pairs;
Which of the above give...
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1. It was introduced by the India Dur...
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What is the name of the Indian Navy’s nuclear-powered submarine?
Which of the following can vote in the election of the Vice-President of India?
I. Elected member of State Legislative Council.
II. Electe...