Election Commissioner Rajiv Kumar assumed charge as the 25th Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) on 14 may 2022. Rajiv Kumar succeeds Sushil Chandra, who retired on 14 may 2022. A former Finance Secretary, Rajiv Kumar will preside over the 2024 Lok Sabha election as his tenure as the CEC is till February 2025. About Election Commission HQ: New Delhi First Executive: Sukumar Sen
“Herath” is a festival related to?
Which state recently got AI - powered tool for fast disposal of cases at Lok Adalat?
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has imposed a monetary penalty on the State Bank of India (SBI), Punjab & Sind Bank, and Indian Bank owing to non-compli...
Six organisations that have been de-recognised by the ESMA, which of the following is not in this list?
Six organisations that have been de-recognised by the ESMA, which of the following is not in this list?
The Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology will set up the Bharat Semiconductor Research Centre in the public-private partnership (PPP) mode...
Which organization is jointly organizing the India-EU Connectivity Conference in Meghalaya?
Which of the following is NOT a factor used to categorize an enterprise as micro, small, or medium in India?
Where are the headquarters of Shanghai Corporation Organisation?
What is Lien Concept?