The Union Minister for Social Justice and Empowerment Virendra Kumar will launch the Scheme for Residential Education For Students in High schools in Targeted Areas (SHRESHTA) on June 3, 2022 . The scheme for Residential Education for Students in High Schools in Targeted Areas (SHRESHTA) has been conceived to provide access to high quality residential education to the meritorious poor students from Scheduled Caste communities, whose parental annual income is up to Rs. 2.5 Lakh per annum , at free of cost from class 9th to class 12th.
What can be the possible price of laptop G and D?
Who has the 5th lowest number of balls?
There are six persons P, Q, R, S, T and U have different weights. U is heavier than P, who is heavier than T and Q. S is heavier than Q. R is heavier t...
Read the directions carefully and answer the following questions.
D, B, F, C, G, A and E are of different weights. Only G is lighter than F. C...
If weights of third heaviest person and O are 65 Kg and 43 Kg respectively, weight of N can be ______.
If box R has 8 shirts and box P has 4 times the number of shirts of box R then what is the possible number of shirts in box T?
Six students L, M, N, O, P, and Q scored different marks in an exam. O scored more than Q and L. Three students scored more than P, who scored just mor...
There are five persons D, E, F, G and H of different age. F is older than only three persons. D is older than E but younger than F. H is older than G. G...
Who among the following person score lowest marks?
Seven persons D, E, F, G, H, I and J, each of different weights, are arranged in decreasing order of their weights from left to right. The difference in...