In Rajasthan, a Special Health Care Abhiyan 'Anchal' has been launched in the Karauli district for pregnant women. This unique campaign was started to ensure all necessary medical aid to pregnant women at the pre and post-natal stage so that maternal and infant mortality rates could be reduced. Under this campaign, it is also ensured that the Auxiliary Nurse Midwife and ASHA workers in the district will keep in constant contact with the pregnant women of their respective areas and provide them with necessary counseling and treatment as and when required.
Which of the following statement is correct about Certified seed?
One ha cm water equals to -
As per ISFR, 2021, what is the total forest cover in total geographical area of the country.
Growing crops and raising live stock to meet family need is called:
The particle size of "clay" is -
Spray of atrazine in low concentration acts as _______ type of antitranspirant.
What is the meaning of climate change?
In which layer of the Earth's atmosphere do various meteorological phenomena such as different types of clouds, thunderstorms, cyclones, and anti-cyclon...
The recommended dose of Nitrogen (kg ha-1) for Rajma is:
A situation when the rainfall deficiency is 25% or more of long term average, it is classified as