According to a census done by the Chilika Development Authority (CDA) in collaboration with the Fishing Cat Project (TFCP) The Chilika Lake(Odisha), Asia’s largest brackish water lagoon, has 176 fishing cats. This is the world’s first population estimation of the fishing cat done outside the protected area network. Phase 1 of the estimation was conducted in 2021 in the 115 marshland in the north and north-eastern section of Chilika and its surrounding areas. Phase 2 was conducted in 2022 in the Parikud side along the coastal islands of Chilika.
In the following question, select the word which cannot be formed using the letters of the given word.
Number of times each letter is appearing in the given word is indicated in each alternative. Identify the correct one.
Given alternative words, select the word which cannot be formed using the letter in given word.
Which among the following word cannot be formed using the letters of the given word only once?
Arrange the following words as per order in the dictionary:
1. Euphrasy
2. Eupepsy
3. Euphonics
4. Eugenics
5. Euphony
Which of the following word cannot be formed by using the letters of word ‘STRATOSPHERE’?
In the word ‘INSTRUMENTAL’ all consonants are written as their preceding letter and all vowels are written as their succeeding letters. Now all le...
Find which one word cannot be formed from the given letters of the word.
...Read the directions carefully and answer the following question.
If it is possible to make only one meaningful word using the second, third, f...
How many such pairs of letters are there in the words “ STREAMING ” which have the same number of letters between them as in the English alphabetica...