Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi launched a global initiative ‘Lifestyle for the Environment - LiFE Movement’ via video conference. The launch will initiate ‘ LiFE Global Call for Papers’ inviting ideas and suggestions from academics, universities & research institutions etc to influence and persuade individuals, communities and organisations across the world to adopt an environment-conscious lifestyle. The idea of LiFE was introduced by the Prime Minister during the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) in Glasgow last year. The idea promotes an environment-conscious lifestyle that focuses on 'mindful and deliberate utilisation ' instead of 'mindless and destructive consumption.
Under limitation Act applicant includes:
“Volenti non fit Injuria” a principle of Tort Law, has a similar principle incorporated under which provision of the Indian Penal Code?
What must a party do if they intend to challenge an arbitrator and there is no agreement on the matter?
Which part of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872 deals with the Relevancy of facts?
The Chairman and Whole time Members of the Board may hold office for a period of __________
A employs b to beat C and agree to indemnify him against all consequences of the Act. B there upon beats C and pays damages to C for so doing:
RBI is authorized to accept deposit without interest from?
When IT Act 2000 came into effect?
An appeal against the order of National Commission shall lie to Supreme Court within?
When there is uninterrupted access and use of light or air to and for any building have been peaceably enjoyed as an easement over a property belonging ...