Housing price index is a quarterly report by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) based on the all-India price movement from data collected from a few cities. The indices are based on official data of property price transactions obtained from the respective state governments' registration authorities. All India house price index (HPI) recorded a slower annual growth (year-on-year) of 1.8% in Q4Fy22 compared to 3.1 in the previous quarter (Q3Fy22) and 2.7% a year ago (Q4Fy21). On a sequential (q-o-q) basis, all India HPI registered a contraction of 1.1% in Q4:2021-22; only Kolkata, Chennai and Kanpur recorded sequential growth; whereas the index contracted for the remaining cities, with Bengaluru recorded the highest sequential contraction of 11.1%.
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1. the goals and objectives that a society should adopt.
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