The first service of the theme-based Bharat Gaurav Train from Coimbatore North to Sainagar Shirdi started its journey on 14-06-2022. Southern Railway becomes the first zone in Indian Railways to get the first Registered service provider under the Bharat Gaurav Scheme and commence the operations of the maiden service from Coimbatore North to Sainagar Shirdi. Bharat Gaurav Train Indian Railways had launched the operation of theme-based Bharat Gaurav train in the month of November 2021. The objective of this theme is to showcase India’s rich cultural heritage and magnificent historical places to the people of India and the world, through Bharat Gaurav Trains. This scheme also aims to leverage the core strengths of the professionals of the tourism sector to run theme-based trains to tap the vast tourist potential of India. This Bharat Gaurav scheme will now help in roping in more tour operators with professional experience and will give a boost to the tourism sector in the country.
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A proclamation requiring person to appear must be published giving
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An admission is a-
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A Bailor as per the Contract Act is a person______________
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