Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M K Stalin inaugurated a Samathuvapuram, or equality village, at Singampunari near Sivaganga comprising 100 houses, a park, library, a creche, among other facilities. The Rs 3.5 crore Sivaganga village inaugurated is the 235th such facility in the state and ninth in the district. The project was announced in 2010-11 but after the DMK defeat in 2011 Assembly polls, the AIADMK government did not pursue their rival’s signature project. The idea of Samathuvapuram was mooted to promote spatial equality, social harmony and social capital of the weakened, marginalised and rural sections. Samathuvapuram housing scheme Samathuvapuram housing scheme was first introduced in 1997 by the then Chief Minister M Karunanidhi to promote egalitarian living. The objective was to make sure that people from different castes and religions live together, share civic amenities and services without discrimination or any differential treatment. The scheme was originally named as ‘Periyar Ninaivu Samathuvapuram’ after Tamil social reformer Periyar EV Ramasamy Naicker.
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