The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi inaugurated Jagatguru Shrisant Tukaram Maharaj Temple in Dehu, Pune. Sant Tukaram Maharaj Palki Marg will be completed in three phases. More than 350 km long highways will be constructed in these phases at the cost of more than 11000 crore rupees. Sant Tukaram was a Warkari saint and poet, famously known for Abhanga devotional poetry and community-oriented worship through spiritual songs known as Kirtans. He lived in Dehu. A Shila Mandir was built after his demise. But it was not formally structured as a Temple. It has been rebuilt in stone masonry with 36 peaks and carries an idol of Sant Tukaram.
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A copper disc has a hole. If the disc is heated, the size of the hole -
“Bihu” dance is related to which state?
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