Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has announced the creation of a Rs. 500-crore Payments Infrastructure Development Fund (PIDF). The Payments Infrastructure Development Fund (PIDF) scheme had deployed more than 4.11 lakh PoS, mobile PoS, and other physical devices across the country as of April 30, 2022, according to the RBI. The scheme also had deployed 1,14,05,116 digital devices, including interoperable QR code-based payments such as UPI QR and Bharat QR.
What is the term for the arrangement of chromosomes in a descending order of size based on their centromere position?
Dry ashing analysis is related to
Which breeding technique involves crossing in isolation a number of lines tested for their general combining ability (GCA)?
Which two fishes are specifically grown for commercial purposes in Uttarakhand?
What is the objective of puddling in rice?
Under Per Drop More Crop scheme the gov. provides financial assistance @ __% of the indicative unit cost to Small & Marginal farmers and @___% to other ...
In this type of Flower arrangement, floral material is arranged in a shallow container with a fixed structure of needlepoints or holders, which are used...
Which of the following is a Spanish bunch variety, tolerant to bud necrosis viral disease in groundnut?
Tha soil having pH value of < 8.5 with EC (electrical conductivity) is > 4.0 millimhos/cm and ESP< 15, is ____ soil.
What is the full form of fostac