Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana is a government scheme launched on 9th May 2015 by PM Narendra Modi in Kolkata. This is a life insurance scheme that was first introduced by Arun Jaitley, the Finance Minister of India on his 2015 Budget Sheet. Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana is implemented by the Life Insurance Corporation of India. The premium for PMJJBY increased from Rs 330 to Rs 436, and the PMSBY premium will rise from Rs 12 to Rs 20.
Match Column I and Column II and choose the correct match from the given choice
Match Column I and Column II and choose the correct match from the given choice
Match Column I and Column II and choose the correct match from the given choice
In the following question, two columns are given, containing three phrases each. A phrase from the first column may or may not connect with a phrase fr...