The 17th Mumbai International Film Festival was held from 29 May – 5 June 2022. Documentary, Short Fiction and Animation films completed between 1 September 2019 and 31 December 2021 are eligible for the festival. The Dutch documentary film “Turn Your Body to the Sun”has won the prestigious Golden Conch award for the Best Documentary Film at MIFF 2022. ‘Closed to the Light’ directed and produced by Italian film-maker Nicola Piovesan won the ‘Pramod Pati – Most Innovative / Experimental Film’ in this edition. Nicola Piovesan got Rs.1,00,000 cash prize along with a trophy and certificate.
Statements: K @ L; M & O, N % L, K $ O
Conclusions: I. O @ L II. M @ L III. K # N
No one is two.
A few two are three.
Only one is four.
Statements: S > T ≥ U ≥ V; W < X = V > Y
Statements: A > B; C > D; E ≥ A; F = C; C < B
(i) B > D
(ii) A > F
(iii) F < E
Statement: S ≤ M < X = H ≥ B ≥ K < V
Conclusion: X > K, K = X
Statements: Only heater are blowers. Some geyser are cable. Only a few heater are geyser.
Small amounts of oil can cause coral reef fish to engage in risky behaviours, according to a new study.
Statements: B & T, K ⋆ B, S ⋆ K
Conclusions: a) K ⋆ T b) S # T
...In a party, every couple has at least one child (all minors) with them and there are 12 couples. Which one of the following inferences would be possible?