Union Minister of Steel Sh. Ram Chandra Prasad Singh inaugurated the first six lane highway road made by using Steel Slag at Surat, Gujrat to connect the port with the city. The road constructed by 100% use of steel processed slag is a real example of converting waste into wealth and improving sustainability of steel plants. About Gujarat Capital: Gandhinagar Governor: Acharya Devvrat Chief Minister: Bhupendrabhai Patel
According to Edward& Heath (1964), the pest is said to be "economic pest" if any pestcauses at least ______ or more loss to the crops.
Which of the following is not a component of Panchgavya?
Which of the following crop is a source methane and nitrous oxide emission into the atmosphere?
A farmer, who has land holding between 1 to 2 hectares, is known as:
Which program was launched with the objective of providing virus-free, high-quality planting material to farmers and improving productivity in horticult...
Which of the following parameter is incorrectly matched with measured device?
About half of the essential plant nutrients are macronutrients; among which is foremost vital to form carbohydrates, proteins, nucleic acids and other c...
Third party private auditing of FBO will:
The pump used in the windmill may be of
Fungal population is comparatively high in a soil having: