Chinese tech giant Tencent had bought a stake worth $264 million (about Rs 2,060 crore) in Walmart-owned e-commerce firm Flipkart from its co-founder, Binny Bansal, through its European subsidiary. Flipkart is registered in Singapore and has operations in India only. Binny Bansal now holds about 1.84 per cent in Flipkart after selling part of his stake to Tencent Cloud Europe BV. After this transaction, the Tencent arm holds 0.72 per stake in Flipkart, valued at around $264 million.
For the first time in India, the share price of a company crossed the Rs 1 lakh mark on 13th June 2023. What is the name of the company?
Vallabhbhai Patel and ________ helped Gandhi in Kheda by organising his tour of the villages and urging the peasants to stand firm against the government.
Which state has the second highest number of seats in the Lok Sabha?
Which one of the following pairs of crops in India is the most water – gugging crops of India that depend heavily on ground water?
According to the archaeologists, in Harappan cities the part to the west was smaller and higher, was known as______.
Transport4All Challenge is an initiative of the which of the following central ministry?
Recently RBI lowered the net worth requirements for entities operating units in BBPS to _____ from Rs. 100 Cr.
In September 2022, the ____________ Assembly sets aside one day for women MLAs to speak about women issues such as safety, health, hygiene and education .