Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has announced the creation of a Rs. 500-crore Payments Infrastructure Development Fund (PIDF). The Payments Infrastructure Development Fund (PIDF) scheme had deployed more than 4.11 lakh PoS, mobile PoS, and other physical devices across the country as of April 30, 2022, according to the RBI. The scheme also had deployed 1,14,05,116 digital devices, including interoperable QR code-based payments such as UPI QR and Bharat QR.
Which of the following is NOT a function of the ledger in accounting?
The ratio of the speed of boats ‘A’ and ‘B’ in still water is 8:9, respectively. The speed of the current is 25% of the speed of boat ‘A’ in...
Which of the following statements best describes a journal in accounting?
Works Committee, Safety Committee and Canteen Management Committee are the examples of
Which city in India has been featured in the World City List of 2022 that was recently released?
The length of a rectangle is 3 metres more than its width. If the perimeter of the rectangle is 78 metres then what is the area (in m2 ) of ...
In 1870, who among the following formed the Puna sarvjanik sabha ?
Consider the following statements:
1. The salary allowance of a high court judge is decided by parliament.
2. The salary of a high co...
Which among the following is implementing the ministry of “The National Social Assistance Programme (NSAP)”?
Amit has 7 friends whom he wishes to invite to a dinner. Out of his 7 friends, 1 or more may accept the invitation. In how many different ways can Amit...