The National Highway Authority of India has entered the Guinness World Records for the longest continuously laid bituminous lane of 75 km in 105 hours and 33 minutes on the National Highway between Amravati and Akola districts in Maharashtra. The total length of the 75 km of single lane continuous bituminous concrete road is equivalent to 37.5 km of a two-lane paved shoulder road and the work started on June 3 and was completed on June 7. The previous Guinness World Record for the longest continuously laid bituminous was for building 25.275 km of road that was achieved in Doha, Qatar, in February 2019 and that task was completed in 10 days.
Find the total cost of production of shoes by Puma and Adidas together?
What is the total sales of Sports shoes by Fila and Woodland together in Rs crore?
What is the total of the profit earned by Samsung Company on the production of Desktops and the Profit of Intex on the Production of Laptops?
What is the ratio of the cost of Production of Laptops by HP to the cost of Production of Desktop by the Samsung Company ?
What is the total of the profit earned by Sketchers on Sales of Sport shoes and the profit earned by Fila on Sales of Sneakers?
What is the ratio of profit earned by selling Track suits by Reebok to that by selling Shoes by Puma?
The cost of production of Track suits by Nike is approximately what percent more than the cost of production of Shoes by Reebok?
If 35% of the mock tests sold of RBI Grade B Officer during August were sold at discount, how many mock tests of RBI Grade B Officer during that month w...
The profit of Laptops for Samsung company is what percent of the Profit of Desktop for Lenovo company?
Find the total cost of production of shoes by Puma and Adidas together?