Justice Satish Chandra Sharma, previously serving as the Chief Justice of Telangana High Court, took oath as the Chief Justice of the Delhi High Court. L-G Vinai Kumar Saxena administered the oath to Justice Sharma. Justice Ujjal Bhuyan has been sworn in Chief Justice of Telangana High Court. Telangana’s Governor Tamilisai Soundararajan administered the oath of office to Chief Justice designate Justice Ujjal Bhuyan. About High Court’s Chief Justice Article 217 of Indian Constitution is about the Appointment and conditions of the office of a Judge of a High Court. About Telangana Founded: 2 June 2014 Chief minister: K. Chandrashekar Rao Governor: Tamilisai Soundararajan
If the 9-digit number 5y97405x2, is divisible by 72, find the value of (x – 2y) for the greatest value of x.
If the seven-digit number 52A6B7C is divisible by 33 and A, B, C are primes then the maximum value of 3A+2B+5C?
If '32x47y' is a six-digit number that is divisible by both 11 and 12, what could be a possible value of (x + y)?
When a number is divided by 8, the remainder is half of the divisor and the quotient is 3 more than twice the product of the divisor and remainder. Find...
How many factors of 23 × 33 × 54 × 73 are divisible by 50 but not by 100.
Find the remainder when 413 is divided by 5.
Find the quotient of 0.36 ÷ 0.48 (correct to three decimal places).
The least perfect square number which is divisible by 9, 12, 15, 24:
The number 976512is non-divisible by which of the following numbers?
If 1234567y is divisible by 11, then what is the value of y?