The Vivek Express holds the title of the longest train route in the country which runs from Dibrugarh in Assam to Kanyakumari in Tamil Nadu. It covers 4247 km of distance and nine States. There is a network of more than ten thousand kilometers of railway lines.The farthest Indian railway network is 4247 km long, which is also the longest train route in the country both in terms of distance and time.
Find the difference between the number of children in orphanage B and orphanage C.
What is the difference between the total revenue generated by Company D and Company C from the North region in 2023?
What is the ratio of total girls from school C and D together to total girls from school B and E together?
The angle at the centre representing Cherry is:
Find the average number of Raincoat sold in cities C, D and E together.
Find the ratio between the expenditure of C and the expenditure of D.
Arun and Bheem started a business by investing Rs. 1,200 and Rs. 1,440, respectively. After 4 months, Arun increased his investment by 40%, while Bheem ...
What is the difference between the number of cars sold on June and number of unsold cars on August?
If the number of butter cookies baked on Wednesday are increased by 5/16 and there are two types of butter cookies baked on Wednesday (chocolate and van...