On July 7, 2022 Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the “Akhil Bharatiya Shiksha Samaham” in Varanasi. It concluded on 09 July 2022. He also announced development projects worth Rs 1,774 crore on the occasion. During the 3-day conclave, “Varanasi Declaration on Higher Education” was adopted.
Who sits extreme left end of the row?
Five persons U, V, W, X and Y are sitting in a row facing north. Two persons sit between U and Y. Y sits at one of the ends of the row and second to the...
Who among the following stands third to the right of H?
Five girls are sitting in a row. F is not adjacent to Q or Y. N is not adjacent to Q. F is adjacent to Z. Z is at the middle in the row. Then, N is adja...
Which of the following statements is/are not true regarding I?
Which of the following replaces blank ___(1)___?
Who among the following are an immediate neighbours of E?
Which of the following statement are true?
I. H likes brown
II. A sits opposite to C
III. The one who likes Black sits immediate le...
What is the position of the one who uses Faber with respect to D?
what is the position of F with respect to his daughter?