RBI has launched the next round of its order books, inventories and capacity utilization survey (OBICUS) of manufacturing companies. The results of the survey provide valuable inputs for monetary policy formulation. The 58th round of the OBICUS is for April – June 2022 period. The information collected in the survey includes data on new orders received during the reference quarter, backlog of orders, pending and total inventories among others.
Which of the following is NOT a key focus area of the Smart Cities Mission?
Rural roads account for about more than _____ percent of share to total road network in the country ?
Quality Council of India (QCI) is jointly set up by Government of India and ____________.
Fiscal Deficit in 2024-25 is estimated to be at _________ of GDP as per the Union Budget 2024 (Interim) Statement.
What is the base year for the Quick Estimates of IIP (Index of Industrial Production)?
A new Mission on Oil palm to be known as the National Mission on Edible Oils – Oil Palm (NMEO-OP) as a new Centrally Sponsored Scheme with a special f...
___________ is celebrated as Poshan Maah every year under National Nutrition Mission.
Which of the following Scheme is related to ensure open defecation free India -
India has done commendable job with respect to almost all the SDGs. What is India’s overall score in the SDG India Index 2023-24?
Which of the following is/are the components of PM Krishi Sinchayi Yojana?
I. Accelerated Irrigation Benefits Programme (AIBP)II. Har Khet Ko Pan...