The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) fined Ola Financial Services Rs 1.67 crore for not complying with its directions on prepaid payment instruments. The company is a unit of the ride-hailing platform, Ola. Ola Financial Services was found to be non-compliant with the directions issued by RBI on Know Your Customer (KYC) requirements. Muthoot Finance Founded- 1939 Headquarters - Kochi, Kerala, India Chairman - M. G. George Muthoot Mannapuram Finance CEO - V.P. Nandakumar Ola chief financial officer - G.R. Arun Kumar Axis Bank CEO - Amitabh Chaudhry
Total number of orbitals associated with third shell is-
Which among the following horticulture crop has lowest productivity
Peat and Muck soils are
Perennial legume fodder is
Which of the following markets is based on degree of competition?
Which type of emulsion found in MILK-
The alcohol (Ethanol) is used for the precipitation of
The reaction between Amino acid and reducing sugar is known as:
Photolysis of water is associated with
What is the term for permanent tissues that consist of many different types of cells with specialized functions?