Bharti Airtel approved allotment of 71 million shares to tech major Google at an issue price of Rs 734 per share. Google will hold 1.2% of total post-issue equity shares of the company. In January, Google had said that it will invest $1 billion in Bharti Airtel. Of this, $700 million (Rs 734 per share) will be for picking up 1.28% stake in the country’s second-largest telecom service provider, while the rest will be for multi-year plans related to devices and other programmes around digital inclusion. The deal with Bharti and earlier with Jio is part of Google’s India Digitization Fund through which it has committed to invest $10 billion over 5 to 7 years.
consider the following statements about Blockchain:
I. It's a form of centralized computer network.
II. centralized is the world’s...
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Which Mughal emperor's tomb is located in Sikandra, a suburb of Agra in Uttar Pradesh?
By which year does the Union Cabinet aim to develop 4 gigawatts (GW) of battery storage through the approved viability gap funding (VGF) scheme?
Identify the correct statements about crop insurance schemes:
1. PMFBY compensates for unforeseen conditions affecting crops.
2. RWBCIS co...
When was the Montreal Protocol signed with the aim of stopping the production and use of ozone-depleting substances like CFCs?
Consider the following statements about renewable energy technologies:
1. Wind energy relies on the kinetic energy of air currents to generate el...
How much percent growth has Global Rating Agency Moody's projected in India's GDP for FY 2025?
Match the following correctly:
Under the Banking Regulation Act, 1934, The Reserve Bank was established in 1935 with the capital of Rs. ____?