The Department of Consumer Affairs ( DoCA ) has launched “ Jagriti ”, a mascot for empowering consumers and generating awareness of their rights. Jagriti will be projected as an empowered consumer who is spreading awareness about consumer rights & addressing solutions to the problems faced by the consumers. The “ Jagriti ” mascot will be used to generate consumer awareness about various themes of the Department. Jagriti mascot shall be shown along with tagline “ Jago Grahak Jago ” in all its media campaigns.
?% of (112.31 ÷ 13.97 × 90.011) = 359.98
2.51% of 800 - 3.97% of 250 = ?
157.78% of 4820 + 92.33% of 2840 = ? + 115.55% of 1980
?% of 1200.22 + 319.82 = 3.99 × 295.64
[(5/9 of 719.87) + (59.73% of 450.31)] ÷ (√168.79 - 3/4 of 63.94) = ?
(15.98% of 399.99) - 6.998 = √?
4 √1295.98 × 1339.42 + ? = 73 × 26.01
(18.22) 2.02 + (13.89) 2.12 – (44.88) 2.07 = ? – 1604.85
47.98 × 4.16 + √325 × 12.91 + ? = 79.93 × 5.91