The Asian Development Bank (ADB) slashed its growth forecast for India to 7.2 per cent for FY23 from 7.5 per cent. ADB also raised its inflation forecast for India to 6.7 per cent for FY23 from 5.8 per cent projected earlier. The Asian Development Bank is a regional development bank. It was established in 1966, it is owned by 68 members—49 from the region. ADB Headquarters: Philippines President: Masatsugu Asakawa
The correlation coefficient is the________________of two regression coefficients:
...Consider an exchange economy with two agents, 1 and 2, and two goods, X and Y. Each agent's consumption set is in +R2. The endowments of agents 1 and 2 ...
New loans made = 1000. Fractional reserve ratio is 1/3, by how much deposits will grow?
Judging from the figure, a person that chooses to consume bundle C is likely to
The value of expenditure multiplier when marginal propensity to save is 0.4 is
Given two lines of regression x+3y=11 and 2x+y=7. Find the coefficient of correlation between x and y.
When two regression coefficients bear same algebraic signs, then correlation coefficient is:
Stagflation describes a situation of
IS curve shows that when income decreases
Which of the following is NOT a postulate of the Classical Model of full-employment equilibrium?