Union Home and Cooperation Minister Shri Amit Shah interacted with Chief Ministers, Lt . Governors and Administrators of States and Union Territories through video conferencing on the 'HarGharTiranga' campaign under AzadiKaAmritMahotsav . The'HarGharTiranga' is a programme to take the spirit of patriotism to the highest level into the hearts and minds of the people . More than 20 crore homes and more than 100 crore people will fly the Tricolour in their homes for three days and will rededicate themselves to the service of Mother India . The main objective of the program is that the national flag should be flown in all homes from 13 to 15 August 2022 through public participation and government and private establishments will also be involved in this effort . This program will be the first such event in the world, which no nation has ever celebrated its Independence or any other important day .
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…………….. refers to removal of field heat (quick cooling) after harvest; if not, its deterioration is faster at higher temperature of 1 hour at ...
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