National Legal Services Authority Chairman Uday Umesh Lalit launched the country ’ s first AI - powered digital Lok Adalat during the 18th All India Legal Services Authorities ’ meet . The digital Lok Adalat by Rajasthan State Legal Services Authority ( RSLSA ) was designed and developed by its technology partner Jupitice Justice Technologies . The Digital Lok Adalat will be used to dispose of pending disputes or disputes that are at the pre - litigation stage . The platform helps one perform end - to - end dispute resolution with easy drafting and filing of applications, one - click generation of e - notices, smart templates to draft settlement agreements, digital hearings powered by tailor - made video conferencing tools, etc . It offers an AI - powered voice - based interactive chatbot and advanced data analytics tools to help gain deeper insights into the functioning of Lok Adalat through custom reports and BI Dashboards for data - driven decision making . About Rajasthan Capital : Jaipur Chief Minister : Ashok Gehlot Governor : Kalraj Mishra
Android Operating system is an example of which kind of Source Model?
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In MS-DOS 6.22, which part identifies the product uniquely?
In Excel, what is a preprogrammed formula that simplifies complex calculations?
What does the keyboard shortcut "Ctrl + Tab" do in Google Chrome?
Internet Explorer is a _______ ?
Which of the following is an Electrical pathway to transfer data among different parts of the computer?
In Excel intersection of a row and column is called:
Which of the folloiwng is program group?
A file name extension for Word 2007 files is ___.