Karnataka Health Minister K Sudhakar inaugurated the 'Brain Health Clinic', a first - of - its - kind initiative under the Karnataka Brain Health Initiative ( KaBHI ) at Bengaluru ’ s Jayanagara government hospital . The Brain Health Clinic will serve as nodal centres to diagnose, treat, refer and follow - up patients with common neurological disorders and ensure that they receive multi - disciplinary care, including counselling, physiotherapy, rehabilitation and disability benefits . The main focus of the KaBHI initiative is to train PHC doctors to diagnose and provide primary care for brain and mental health issues including stroke, epilepsy, parkinson ’ s, brain tumor and dementia . The initiative focuses on training ASHA workers to screen people for such mental health issues which greatly increases speed of diagnosis and treatment, potentially offering a complete cure to some of these diseases . About Karnataka Capital : Bengaluru Chief Minister : Basavaraj Bommai Governor : Thawar Chand Gehlot
A circular racing track has been developed in a field. If the difference between the outer circumference and the inner circumference of the racing track...
"In the given figure, 'O' is the center of the circle. If XR = 24 cm and RS = 18 cm, find the length of XO."
In a circle AB is diameter & C is a point on circumference such that AC = 8 cm & BC = 15 cm then find the area of circle ?
If a wheel covers a distance of 2200 cm in 7 rotations, then the diameter of the wheel is?
A sector of a circle has a central angle of 60°. If the radius of the circle is 14 cm, what is the area of the sector?
Sum of diameter and circumference of a circle is 232 cm, the find area of circle.
Find the area of largest square that can be inscribed in a circle of radius ‘r’.
In the given diagram, point 'O' represents the center of a circle, while AB and DE are two distinct chords within the circle. The line segment OC is per...
The circumference of a park is 750m. A and B start walking from the same point in the same direction at 6.75 kmph and 4.75 kmph. Among the given options...
What is the perimeter of the square inscribed in a circle of radius 6 cm.