The Prime Minister inaugurated India's first Earthquake and Museum Memorial named Smruti Van at Bhuj in Gujarat. It is built in an area of 470 acres on Bhujiyo Hill near Bhuj town. The memorial will give an insight about the destructive earthquake that hit on 26th January, 2001 which killed almost 13,000 people. It uses a 5D simulator to give a real like experience.
The tagline of e-NAM is
Curcum longa is the scientific name of which spice?
In which city the National Horticultural Fair 2024 took place?
Out of 121 countries, India’s GHI ranking fell from ……………… in 2021 to 107 this year.
World Animal Day is observed 4th October every year and the theme for the same during this year was
The four principles of organic farming do not include
Which of the following committee was involved in the recommendation of establishment of NABARD………………..
Match the Following:
Major Crops Largest Producer
A. Pulses ...
Green Revolution in India was primarily associated with crops?
The Mission Amrit Sarovar was launched on the occasion of