Logistics Technology Platform Shiprocket raised USD 33 Million or Rs 260 crore from its existing investors Temasek Holdings and Lightrock India to be crowned as the 106th Unicorn of India. Zomato-backed Shiprocket is the 20th company to cross the 1 Billion Valuation mark in 2022 and joins the league of CredAvenue, Xpressbees, LEAD and PhysicsWallah among others.
Ejusdem generis is___
Ombudsman institution was first introduced in ?
According to Indian Partnership Act When a partner transfers their interest in the firm, the transferee is entitled to______________________
The Headquarter of New Development Bank is located at :
Under Sec.6 of Hindu Minority and Guardianship Act 1956 the natural guardian of a minor child is :
The rights and obligations of the depositories, participants and the issuers whose securities are dealt with by a depository shall be specified by
As per the provisions of the Stamp Act corporatisation and demutualisation schemes and related instruments _________________
Hypothecation includes
A Lessor is bound to disclose to the lessee any material defect in the property __
An instrument, which has been registered under the Indian Registration Act 1908, is cancelled by the court, the court shall send a copy of its decree to: